Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Year of Graduations

In the span of one month, Caleb graduated from his first year at school, Tyler graduated from Kindergarten and I graduated from seminary. Those Graffam's are so smirt, eh?

Here you'll see traditional walk from the seminary to the university, the classic diploma shot right after receiving my hood, a picture of me and my wife (the one who really deserves the credit), and a shot of the Three Grads!

Tyler Graduates from Kindygarden

Watch out 1st grade - here comes our boy!

Caleb's Pre-School "Graduation"

Although Caleb still has one more year in Preschool, we had the chance to celebrate the completion of his first year in school. In these pictures you'll see Caleb receive his diploma, relax with his best friend Noah, and of course celebrate the big occasion with a juice and a cookie.

Valentine's Day Photo Shoot

In the effort to make Kathi a Valentine's Day card, we had some fun trying to get the guys together. No easy task...especially using that self-timer deal.